Monday, January 12, 2015

Something for me for a change! (Slash that Stash)

My son walked into the room and saw me sitting in my comfy armchair with a dark bluish coloured ball of wool and a crochet hook busy counting away.
"Mum, whatchya makin'?" he asks me.
"89, 90, 91" I said loudly, hoping he would get the point. My aspie son DID get the point which was a pleasant change. He sometimes doesn't get subtle or even not so subtle hints. He waited until I had stopped counting.
"Is that something for me?" he asked.
"No, it's something for ME for a change!" I responded. He grinned at me. "Cool!" and he wandered off again.

I bought this wool at a carpark sale my local Spotty had late last year and now I'm going to use it. I'm going to make a cute lacy summery cardi for me. This yarn is subtly variagated with blue, green and purple. 


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