Thursday, September 29, 2011


Well I've been working pretty solidly on projects since my last post.

The Dr Seuss fabric has arrived from the US, courtesy of a very special courier - aka my bestie Bec. So I have started cutting that up ready to get the quilt top assembled for EJ's quilt.

I'm just about to finish another table topper for a friend. I should finish that today... if I feel like working on it.

I have launched into business with my photography and have been working pretty solidly on getting that set up.

I have just completed a quilt-top as a prop for my photography. I need to get it quilted and bound, which I will get working on ASAP, since bookings are starting to come in for family portraits. I might even zip into Spotlight this afternoon and get the stuff I need after I've done that table topper.

I've started knitting a newborn hat, which has been challenging, since I am still such a novice. It's nice to sit down in the evenings and work on that.

So very very busy, starting projects!! I like having so many projects on the go, so I can have a choice with what I work on! Hopefully soon I'll have some finished projects to show you.

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