Saturday, January 3, 2009

Shopping bag

I went shopping this week and found some awesome fabric.

I made up a shopping bag. Since alot of shops I frequent now no longer provide plastic bags - which is a good thing - I find myself looking at the bags for sale with distaste.

So I found this really cool tute, and decided to give this a go. I totally botched it up and it's not as awesome as it can be - but I learned alot for when I do some more!


The fabric I used was some curtain fabric, it's lined so therefore makes the bag feel thicker and it's stronger than plain ol calico. I loved the pattern on this one.


Though don't look too closely - you can see some threads I missed cutting off. :)


They are quite roomy and I think they will be great to use.

1 comment:

~*PaKaHaJa*~ said...

Oh wow... I LOVE the bag.. It looks soo cool... Might have to copy that one and give it a go myself.. Well done...