Monday, February 23, 2015

A classic romance (Reading Challenge)

What better book to read as a classic romance than "Pride and Prejudice"?

Each evening as I read I got to enjoy the wit and snarkiness of Miss Elizabeth Bennet, cringe at the simpering humility of Mr Collins and roll my eyes at Mr Wickham and his poor hard done by story. I I have read this book before but I am seeing things with new eyes and had forgotten some things. Like... just how anti-social is Mr Darcy?? He really was awful at times! And that letter he wrote!! Even though he was terrible at times... I still sighed with romantic bliss when Darcy and Lizzy got together. I had also forgotten the sheer awesomeness of the cat-fight between Lady Catherine De Bourgh and Lizzy! Oh that was just fantastic!! But all good books come to an end - and I finished this one last night.

So another one ticked off the list. I have two more sitting on my bedside table from the public library ready to read. 

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