Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Oh where oh where can it be? (Advent Blog Along # 3)

Remember yesterday I told you I planned to finish that scarf? Well I did!! Then I went to my pin cushion to find my darning needle... and it was gone! One of my darlings likes to push all the pins and needs flat into the cushion... and I think it's lost in there somewhere! I have since pinned a note to it saying "Touch this and you will live on tinned dog food for a month!" Ok... so maybe I didn't quite say that... maybe it just says "Don't touch this!"

So... back to the scarf... it's finished, but the ends aren't sewn in. :( So I need to make a trip to my local Spotty and get a new one so I can finish it off!

So here it is.... almost finished. So so close!!!

And while I wasn't crocheting like a mad thing, I was doing this!

Tomorrow I will work on the final crochet project - one more market bag... around celebrating my littlest munchkin's 7th birthday! 

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